
Flat affect and catatonia are symptoms most closely associated with
Flat affect and catatonia are symptoms most closely associated with

flat affect and catatonia are symptoms most closely associated with

Studies have suggested a connected pathway between the cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus underpins these different subtypes and results in catatonic symptoms. Symptoms can wax, wane, or change during these episodes, and patients affected can have periods of withdrawal and periods of excitation. Most episodes of catatonia can be classified as excited, retarded, or malignant.

flat affect and catatonia are symptoms most closely associated with

Most studies on the incidence of catatonia find it to be between 5% - 20% in the acute inpatient psychiatric setting.

flat affect and catatonia are symptoms most closely associated with

Catatonia, a neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by abnormal movements, behaviors, and withdrawal, is a condition that is most often seen in mood disorders but can also be seen in psychotic, medical, neurologic, and other disorders.

Flat affect and catatonia are symptoms most closely associated with