
Rpm list available packages
Rpm list available packages

rpm list available packages

By the end, you should feel comfortable navigating YUM in all but its more advanced features. This guide aims to familiarize you with the YUM commands you are most likely to encounter. If you are interested in learning about the DNF package manager, see the Using the DNF Package Manager guide. It has largely been replaced by it successor Dandified YUM, also called DNF, on most newer RPM-based distributions, including CentOS 8, RHEL 8, and Fedora 22 (and later).

rpm list available packages

YUM is the default package manager for CentOS 7 as well as older versions of RHEL and Fedora. It provides an easy-to-use interface on top of the low-level functions available in the RPM Package Manger (RPM). Yellowdog Updater, Modified, more commonly known as YUM, is a package management tool for a variety of Linux distributions.

Rpm list available packages